result count: 5

Sys425181_nameHeart of Nature and Life
Sys425181_szquest_accept_detailHello, [$playername]. Thank you for your help in saving many plants and animals from suffering.\n\nWe continue to treat mutated plants and animals, but there are still many in pain and injured. [$playername], this [240763|White Light Seed] can effectively treat abnormalities. Please lend a hand to help the plants and animals.\n\n[SC_ELF_CONVENTION|May the Holy King protect you.].
Sys425181_szquest_complete_detail[$playername], the Heart of Nature has learned that the plants and animals you treated have returned to normal, and are no longer tortured by fear and death. When you meet trouble in this place, the Heart of Nature will help you.\n\n[SC_ELF_CONVENTION|May the Holy King protect you.]
Sys425181_szquest_descUse the [240763|White Light Seed] to treat the mutated plants and animals.
Sys425181_szquest_uncomplete_detailThey are suffering because of their mutations. Please hurry and save them!