result count: 5

Sys425182_nameExtinguish More Flames
Sys425182_szquest_accept_detailHello, [$playername], please extinguish more flames.\n\nThe elemental power of fire is constantly spilling over, and the number of flames is gradually increasing. We hope we can stop this. [$playername], this is a [240764|Aqua-Blue Crystal Seed], a special plant made from the fusion of watercress and Nature's Power. Please take it and extinguish the nearby flames.\n\n[SC_ELF_CONVENTION|May the Holy King protect you.].
Sys425182_szquest_complete_detailThank you for your efforts, [$playername]. We don't have to worry about the flames starting a major fire, at least for now.
Sys425182_szquest_descUse the [240764|Aqua-Blue Crystal Seed] to extinguish the flames and prevent them from further affecting the environment.
Sys425182_szquest_uncomplete_detailHave you already extinguished enough flames? Please be quick. Otherwise the flames will continue to receive energy from the Fire Elementals, grow into full fiery beings and cause a disaster that will be hard to control.