result count: 5

Sys425183_nameFurther Rune Study
Sys425183_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], I'm glad to see you again.\n\nThe elements are still unbalanced here. Thanks to your help in recovering the Reaction Crystal, the research into suppressing the power of fire has made some progress. [$playername], these are improved Reaction Runes. Please take them to react to [106465|New Fire Elemental] and [106466|Militant Fire Elemental], then bring back the Reaction Crystals. I await your news.
Sys425183_szquest_complete_detailYou are still very fast. We will begin analysis immediately. Thank you for your help, [$playername].
Sys425183_szquest_descReturn the Reaction Rune Crystal from the reaction of a [106465|New Fire Elemental] or a [106466|Militant Fire Elemental].
Sys425183_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease hurry and bring back the Reaction Crystals. We must not allow the elemental imbalance to continue. Every second counts.