result count: 5

Sys425208_nameCrazy Bartender
Sys425208_szquest_accept_detailHey! [$PLAYERNAME], do you want to try tending the bar? Actually, mixing drinks isn't that difficult. All you need to do is add some extra touches to the juice and you're done... Don't worry. You don't add anything weird. \n\nI've been a bartender here for quite a while. No one has come to help me. If you can learn how to do it, then maybe you could become my helper! What do you think? Any interest? \n\nI always have customers. Come find me if you ever want to help!
Sys425208_szquest_complete_detailNo matter how you do, at least you'll gain experience, right?
Sys425208_szquest_descFinish the work given by [113961|Shela Berit].
Sys425208_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou haven't finished your duties yet...