result count: 4

Sys425219_nameEdge of Chaos
Sys425219_szquest_accept_detailHurry! We must stop [120834|Jill Ayekin]!\n\nHer involvement could embolden our enemies and endanger the alliance between the principalities and the dragons.\n\nIf we do not stop her, then all our achievements will have been for naught...
Sys425219_szquest_complete_detailNoooooo! It's too late to stop her!\n\nNot even Morrok can control this power I fear, a wrathful power, unafraid of death...
Sys425219_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_BALENCETEMPLE|Sanctuary of Balance] with [120759|Morrok Wallinder] and stop [120761|Jill Ayekin] before it's too late.