result count: 5

Sys425224_nameExtra Recycling
Sys425224_szquest_accept_detailAs you can see, we can't collect the tools because the work is constantly being disrupted by magical beasts. This could produce material shortages that may in turn impact the progress of fortifications in the city. \n\nWill you help us collect [<S>241116|Rusty Toolboxes]?
Sys425224_szquest_complete_detailI'm glad to see your safe return. So, there were no accidents during the recovery process?
Sys425224_szquest_descRecover 10 [<S>241116|Rusty Toolboxes] from [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_07|Taffrock Outskirts - South].
Sys425224_szquest_uncomplete_detail[ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_07|Taffrock Outskirts - South] is not a peaceful place. For your own safety, please stay alert.