result count: 5

Sys425225_nameResisting the Outside Threat
Sys425225_szquest_accept_detailAilic's Community sent more potions!\n\nLast time they worked pretty well. They increased the fighting power of soldiers considerably, although occasionally at the cost of some terribly uncomfortable side-effects. Our thanks to the researchers for bringing us the potions. \n\nAhh, the effect is about to wear off. Can you help me use some [<S>241117|Magic Shield Potions] on the soldiers who are fighting magical beasts around the camp?
Sys425225_szquest_complete_detailSide effects? Aye, potions can produce some pretty uncomfortable side-effects... But they're nothing compared to the discomfort that can be inflicted by magical beasts.
Sys425225_szquest_descUse [241117|Magic Shield Potion] on [106585|Front Line Camp Guard] 5 times.
Sys425225_szquest_uncomplete_detailHaving you here helping us is so much better than before!