result count: 5

Sys425227_nameReserve Tool Maintenance Oil
Sys425227_szquest_accept_detailIt's so darn damp and humid here. If you don't keep your tools clean, they'll rust up on you just like that! I need more maintenance oil so that I can keep the tools in working order!\n\nPlease bring me some [240802|Bat Grease] from [<S>106565|Foul Bats]!
Sys425227_szquest_complete_detailCollecting grease is a real pain! I've got the other ingredients ready to go. The rest, I leave to you!
Sys425227_szquest_desc[120446|Karkushee Searstove] is in need of more [240802|Bat Grease] to produce tool maintenance oil.
Sys425227_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis [240802|Bat Grease] is for you! I'll prepare the other necessary materials.