result count: 5

Sys425228_nameTechnique of Capturing Alive
Sys425228_szquest_accept_detailHey [$playername], have you seen those [<S>106564|Dark Energy Puppets]?\n\nYou did such a great job bringing back [<S>106564|Dark Energy Puppets] last time, I hope you might be able to bring back a few more!\n\nThis is a [240803|Psychedelic Animal Cage] that's lined with sleeping powder. After a [106564|Dark Energy Puppet] has been weakened and its HP is low, use this cage to capture it. They fall asleep upon entering the cage. But remember to find a balance. In the process of capturing, don't attack too forcefully or end up getting hurt yourself.
Sys425228_szquest_complete_detailThe dark energy puppet in the cage seems to be in good shape. Looks like you still got it! Now I can continue my research.\n\nThank you so much! [$playername].
Sys425228_szquest_desc[120445|Burjnaada Karsht] needs more living [106564|Dark Energy Puppet] specimens. Use a [240803|Psychedelic Animal Cage] to bring back 5 [<S>106564|Dark Energy Puppets]. Remember to weaken your target first.
Sys425228_szquest_uncomplete_detailRemember to weaken the [106564|Dark Energy Puppet] first so that the capturing process can proceed smoothly!