result count: 12

SC_425246_1I've brought [241206|Fresh Herbs] to fix your wounds.
SC_425246_2Smearing it on the wound should lessen the pain.\n\nI'm sorry for putting you to this trouble, great [$playername]. Please convey my thanks to [120280|Weslyan] on your return.
SC_425246_3The [241206|Fresh Herbs]? You haven't lost them, have you?
SC_425246_4I lost the [241206|Fresh Herbs]...
SC_425246_5Great [$playername], is there something I can help you with?
SC_425246_6Careful you don't lose it again...
SC_425246_7Why do you need the [241206|Fresh Herbs]?
Sys425246_nameTreating the Oriel Brothers
Sys425246_szquest_accept_detailWill the fighting ever end...?\n\nThe Order of Dark Glory troops are fighting and dying on the [ZONE_NAQUI_FRONT_LINES|Naghur's Front Lines] and I'm sat here twiddling my thumbs. Actually there is something I can do - heal the injured using Elvish blessings.\n\nWe just received an urgent request from the Order of Dark Glory Elite Commandos. They want me to take some [241206|Fresh Herbs] to the [ZONE_NAQUI_FRONT_LINES|Naghur's Front Lines] to treat the injured. I fear I won't be able to treat all the injured in the time. I need an assistant to share the load. \n\nDearest [$playername], to save time would you mind treating the Oriel brothers for me? I'd really appreciated it... [SC_ELF_CONVENTION|May the Holy King protect you.]
Sys425246_szquest_complete_detailYou must be exhausted. Are the Oriel brothers feeling better? Hopefully the [241206|Fresh Herbs] will speed up their recovery.
Sys425246_szquest_descTake the [241206|Fresh Herbs] to [ZONE_NAQUI_FRONT_LINES|Naghur's Front Lines] and treat the Oriel brothers.
Sys425246_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe three Oriel brothers are holed up in a very treacherous place. Be extra cautious on your mission...