result count: 5

Sys425251_nameDecoy Smell
Sys425251_szquest_accept_detail(You startle [120579|Gerl Rewent], who drops the stuff he was holding.)\n\nAHHH! Now look what you made me do. What are you doing over there? It's very distracting. Why don't you go someplace else? Oh no, wait a second. First you have to replace these components you made me drop. They're very rare you know. Do you know how much work it takes to make a potion that will fool the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech]? Foolish knight! If you did you wouldn't creep up on me like that and make me spill everything!\n\nI don't care if you're busy. Go and get me 10 more drops of [<S>241202|Special Kulech Blood] or I'll never forgive you!
Sys425251_szquest_complete_detailHa. I suppose it's easy enough to drop something. I'll probably forgive you, eventually. Anyway, please don't stand silently in the corner while I'm working. You'll cause more accidents otherwise! Those Shadowtroopers do the same thing, creeping around, not making a sound...scaring people half to death.
Sys425251_szquest_descCollect 10 [<S>241202|Special Kulech Blood] for [120579|Gerl Rewent] so he can make potion to fool the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech].\n\nYou can find [241202|Special Kulech Blood] on the bodies of the [<S>106721|Kulech Cutters] and [<S>106720|Earth Inspector Myrmex].
Sys425251_szquest_uncomplete_detailI wish you'd be more careful. And where are my things? Commanders all over [ZONE_Z23_QUESLANA|Chrysalia] are crying out for special gear and you're making them wait.