result count: 6

SC_425276_DISAPPEARDamned intruders...retreat for now!
Sys425276_nameThwarting Plots
Sys425276_szquest_accept_detailIf you want to ask me what the most fun I've had on a quest is, I'd tell you it was breaking up a secret meeting between the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] and Maderoth's lackeys. You should have seen their faces! And watching them fumbling for their weapons! It was pure gold! Believe me, you should give it a try.\n\nBut they appear at random places and times. Good luck!
Sys425276_szquest_complete_detailHaha, have you seen the looks on their faces? Cool, huh? You don't think so? Fine, I guess we just have a different sense of humor. Still, you've got to admit, thwarting other people's plans is fun.
Sys425276_szquest_descEliminate 4 [<S>106828|Gloomy Spies] meeting with the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] in [ZONE_QRICH_CAMP|Kulech Nest] and [ZONE_QRICH_CADAVER_DEN|Kulech Bones Nest].\n\nThe [<S>106828|Gloomy Spies] won't always show up at the same place. These sly guys constantly change their meeting points.
Sys425276_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you find them? No? Either they're very well-hidden, or you're just plain...unlucky.