result count: 5

Sys425296_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], look at the low morale of those soldiers tortured by the Kulech. They've lost their morale and their will to live. If this goes on, our lines of defense will collapse!\n\n([120492|Pete Maik] anxiously sizes you up.)\n\nYou look experienced, so you could play the role of morale-booster! [$playername], repel the detestable [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] and let your bravery rekindle the morale of the Alliance soldiers!
Sys425296_szquest_complete_detailThe atmosphere on the battlefield has obviously changed, but if morale isn't constantly boosted it will be destroyed by this cruel battle. Thank you, [$playername].
Sys425296_szquest_descDefeat the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] on the bloody battlefield to boost morale of the Alliance soldiers.
Sys425296_szquest_uncomplete_detail[$playername], have I made a mistake?