result count: 5

Sys425297_nameDefend the Garon
Sys425297_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], the brutal attack of the [<S>106865|Kulech Destroyers] has caused us to lose many soldiers. If we had the support of the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon], the situation could be changed!\n\nNot long ago, we finally learned that the Garon use distinct smells to convey and carry out various orders. Without further ado, [$playername], take this can containing an odor requesting assistance from the Garon and use it on the Kulech. The Garon will attack targets giving off the smell, so you can defeat the [<S>106865|Kulech Destroyers] together with them!
Sys425297_szquest_complete_detailWe have very good news about the Garon support from the front lines. The [<S>106865|Kulech Destroyers] are no longer advancing, so we can establish a more solid defense. Thank you for your outstanding performance, [$playername].
Sys425297_szquest_descInfect the [<S>106865|Kulech Destroyers] with the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] assistance smell, and defeat the [<S>106865|Kulech Destroyers] together with the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon].
Sys425297_szquest_uncomplete_detailBe careful not to get the smell on yourself. Don't say I didn't warn you if you're taken for an enemy!