result count: 7

SC_425315_AAn all-out attack has begun! You only have 5 minutes!
SC_425315_BTime's up. You did not accomplish the goal that the officer set...
Sys425315_nameIntense Strike
Sys425315_szquest_accept_detailThe battle on the ground in [ZONE_BLOODY_BATTLEGROUNDS|Bloody Battlefield] is on the razor's edge! We're going all out to gain the upper hand. Kill 5 [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] within 5 minutes and get back to me!\n\nCareful of those dead [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech]. They can explode on ya! And other ones produce elemental creatures, the hazardous little cretins! Get going! \n\n<CS>This quest cancels automatically when failed. Proceed to </CS>[120492|Pete Maik]<CS> in </CS>[ZONE_REAPER_ROW|Death Passage]<CS> to restart it. </CS>
Sys425315_szquest_complete_detailIf they keep up this kind of intensity, I don't know how long we can hold out. Something's gotta give...
Sys425315_szquest_descKill 5 [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] on the [ZONE_BLOODY_BATTLEGROUNDS|Bloody Battlefield] within 5 minutes. \n\n<CS>This quest cancels automatically when failed. Proceed to </CS>[120492|Pete Maik]<CS> in </CS>[ZONE_REAPER_ROW|Death Passage]<CS> to restart it. </CS>
Sys425315_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat are you waiting for? The quicker you get out there, the fewer of our comrades have to die! C'mon now!