result count: 5

Sys425432_nameTrade II
Sys425432_szquest_accept_detailI endured terrible hardships to get here. I dare not return empty-handed.\n\nDragons used to rest by that bridge. With the dragons all gone, I decided to go and investigate, hoping to find one or two [<S>241297|Dragon Scales]. How was I to know there wouldn't be any?\n\nThen another researcher told me that a local [101233|Sanctuary Earth Elemental] had eaten all the [<S>241297|Dragon Scales]! I need one or two people to bring me back the real dragon scales.
Sys425432_szquest_complete_detailSo beautiful! Check out the colors under the light! They must be worth a fortune.\n\nYeah, yeah! First we develop a luster ranking, with the most lustrous scales fetching the highest price... Hahaha! I'm going to make a killing!
Sys425432_szquest_descDefeat the [<S>101233|Sanctuary Earth Elementals] in [ZONE_GETEI|Gethale] and collect the [<S>241297|Dragon Scales] dropped there by dragons long ago.
Sys425432_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe size of the [<S>241297|Dragon Scales] is not important. Just bring me back some nice shiny dragon scales.