result count: 5

Sys425439_nameChewed Letter
Sys425439_szquest_accept_detail(You read the letter very carefully and can vaguely recognize the name: W...i...l...l. Is it the Will you know well? )\n\nIt is a puzzle that the letter has been found here and chewed by this monster. Anyway, if the letter is very important, it would be a good deed to help deliver it to its recipient.\n\nIt requires hard work to restore this letter, maybe you can ask [120836|Wendy Leboy] for help.
Sys425439_szquest_complete_detailYou want me to restore the letter? \n\n(Wendy carefully checks the badly damaged letter.)\n\nWe can see the sender's name is Figg. You said he is an old friend of Mr. [120831|Will Kanches], right? So maybe this letter was supposed to be delivered to him. Okay, leave this to me, I will try my best to restore the letter and give it to [120831|Will Kanches].
Sys425439_szquest_descGive the [209511|Chewed Letter] to [120836|Wendy Leboy] and ask her to restore the letter.
Sys425439_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou are here for me? Do you want to ask or give me anything?