result count: 5

Sys425455_nameProtect Oneself Before Saving Others
Sys425455_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], please help me ask [120634|Croso Dane] for some of their [241266|Element Defense Potion]. If you don't have time, ask someone else to send it. The armor needs to be reinforced.\n\nI think [120634|Croso Dane] can be found at the [ZONE_OMEGA_PLANE|Omega Platform]. You can ask [120603|Cornelia Asaak] to take you there. Can you help?
Sys425455_szquest_complete_detailThanks for all your trouble. Soldiers that don't use these potions on their armor could be injured by the elemental effects of the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon].
Sys425455_szquest_descFetch the element protection potions [120575|Banny] wants from [120634|Croso Dane] in [ZONE_OMEGA_PLANE|Omega Platform].
Sys425455_szquest_uncomplete_detailI've heard that the front is more and more dangerous, but the war has not yet significantly affected the [ZONE_REAPER_ROW|Death Passage]. It seems the defensive Kalon architecture is really useful.