result count: 5

Sys425456_nameMyrmex Queen's Health
Sys425456_szquest_accept_detailThough we restrained ourselves, it seems we "guests" have caused trouble for the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon]. Queen [120519|Babbats] told me that she has been feeling unwell, and according to the symptoms she described, I believe that the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] sensitivity to elements has caused her to become highly sensitive to the element changes in Chrysalia. This, combined with our presence in the Garon nest, conducting all manner of experiments, has caused her long-term stress that cannot be soothed naturally.\n\nIt's not so much a physical problem, as it is her mental state causing a chain reaction. I will prepare some soothing seeds for Queen [120519|Babbats], but I need someone to help me collect [<S>241267|Moonbloom Honey]...
Sys425456_szquest_complete_detailQueen [120519|Babbats] has been very accommodating, thanks in large part to the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] scent that we're using. Heaven knows what will happen to us if she falls ill. I should warn the others not to wear out our welcome with the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon].
Sys425456_szquest_descGaron Queen [120519|Babbats] is feeling unwell. Find the [<S>120702|Moonblooms] outside [ZONE_KALTUROK_NEST|Garon Nest] and collect 10 [<S>241267|Moonbloom Honey] and give them to [120700|Planchett].
Sys425456_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe calming seeds must be introduced into Queen [120519|Babbats'] diet if they are to have any effect.