result count: 5

Sys425459_nameGaron Funeral
Sys425459_szquest_accept_detailInjured [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] aren't an issue. It's the dead ones that are a problem. Don't get me wrong - I'm not being callous. Death is a terrible thing, but when [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] die, they don't just leave behind grieving relatives...they leave behind trouble!\n\nLook over there. See what I'm talking about? [$playername], I'm begging you, wipe out those elementals!
Sys425459_szquest_complete_detailYou're quite skillful. Ever considered working as a guard at the [ZONE_KALTUROK_NEST|Garon Nest]? Haha, I'm kidding of course. Finding the right outlet for your talents is what it's all about.
Sys425459_szquest_descKill 10 elementals.
Sys425459_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] habit of eating elements...probably only bothers the researchers...