result count: 6

SC_Z24Q425523_1Hungry Flames
Sys425523_nameClean up the Cleaners
Sys425523_szquest_accept_detailNow that you're here, can you help me with something?\n\nIt's obvious that these birds that look like chickens are carrying the bodies. I am guessing that they are scattering the bodies around to attract the ants. We're dealing with the air strikes and lack the manpower to prevent their actions. Not a reassuring road we're headed down. The progress of all other tasks is being slowed down as well.\n\nAct together now, let's demolish those [<S>107066|Transport Punishers]!
Sys425523_szquest_complete_detailI thought you'd refuse to help me just as [121379|Shalun Maro] did. He always ignored this issue, let us set out to strike and hid himself in the back. It seems you're not of his gang, so I think there's no problem in telling you this...
Sys425523_szquest_descAssist [120412|Shio Rasman] in destroying the [<S>107066|Transport Punishers] which have been created by rune magic to stop them from carrying bodies back.
Sys425523_szquest_uncomplete_detailI didn't think you'd really help me! It's more than what I wished for... Sorry I was complaining before, but it was only because you had just arrived and had no idea what was going on here!