result count: 12

SC_Z24Q425549_01You are...
SC_Z24Q425549_03Watch out!
SC_Z24Q425549_04[$playername], let me guard this area first. You go to [121033|Sabinda] and see what the situation is there. If she doesn't look right, like she's entered a trance or something, then we'll... have to take drastic measures and stop the ceremony!
SC_Z24Q425549_05My mind is a mess right now. Let me take a minute to figure things out...
SC_Z24Q425549_06I see.
SC_Z24Q425549_CHECKConfirm [121149|Sabinda's] situation.
Sys425549_nameAccidental Arrival
Sys425549_szquest_accept_detailI think they're blocked for now... but I don't know when more attacks will come...
Sys425549_szquest_complete_detailThank you for your concern. The injury isn't bad... The ceremony isn't over yet. There is still one final stage.
Sys425549_szquest_descConfirm the next step with [121150|Iswan Giant] and then go to [546887|Confirm the instructor's situation].
Sys425549_szquest_uncomplete_detail([121033|Sabinda] looks at Jill thoughtfully.)