result count: 5

Sys425563_nameTransport Cart Repair Method
Sys425563_szquest_accept_detailThis cart can't go anymore! If it keeps going, it'll fall apart before it leaves the forest! Oh no. I must get some [<S>241312|Solid Wood] to fix it! \n\nDo you know where you can find some [<S>241312|Solid Wood] in this forest? I seem to remember seeing you defeat some of those creatures that look like trees. They could probably be used as materials, right? You have to chop them up anyway. Why don't you bring back their remains to use as materials?
Sys425563_szquest_complete_detailThis is good wood! Now we can make this cart like new!
Sys425563_szquest_descThe transport convoy member, [121215|Tyris], needs 8 [241312|Solid Wood] to fix a cart.
Sys425563_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhy shouldn't the wood from those tree-looking monsters be used for other things? What would be the problem?