result count: 5

Sys425564_nameWall of Vines
Sys425564_szquest_accept_detailIt seems that our activities in the forest have angered the Ursid. They haven't attacked us yet, but they are always sneaking in and doing things when we're not paying attention. Sigh, the problem with the Holy Tree is already causing enough trouble for us. We don't have any energy to deal with the Ursid too. \n\nUntil now, we've always had a passive policy towards the Ursid. Did you see the [121216|Barrier Vines] around the camp? That is a defensive line that we have set up. Be it Ursid or other animals from the forest, it is not easy to use the [121216|Barrier Vines] to prevent intruders from entering our camp. All we can do is check on the [121216|Barrier Vines] regularly to see if it is still effective. \n\nSpeaking of which, it's almost time to do this check. How about it? Do you think you can check on the status of the [121216|Barrier Vines]?
Sys425564_szquest_complete_detailIt seems that the [121216|Barrier Vines] is still doing well. As long as it is kept up, it should be fine.
Sys425564_szquest_desc[107194|Check the status of the Barrier Vines].
Sys425564_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe're not ignoring the Ursid deliberately, but foolish attacks won't have any effect. Solving the problem with [SC_GUTAI_01|Holy Tree Gutai] is the more important right now.