result count: 12

SC_Z24Q425567_01Requirements not met.
SC_Z24Q425567_02I feel dizzy...
SC_Z24Q425567_03How long was I out for?
SC_Z24Q425567_04I must hurry back to my post...
SC_Z24Q425567_05Yes... you helped me? Thank you...
SC_Z24Q425567_06Give me some more [<S>241816|Restoration Seeds].
Sys425567_nameWaking from a Coma
Sys425567_shortnoteAnother preparation is necessary. Take the diagram drawn by the elves to complete the task of finding the plants.
Sys425567_szquest_accept_detail[121214|Olotia] just gave me some seeds that I had never heard of. She said that they were made by following instructions from an ancient text. Apparently they can wake someone from a deep coma... [$playername], help me feed these to our companions who are stuck in comas. I really don't think I can take another failure...
Sys425567_szquest_complete_detailIt worked! Thank you [121214|Olotia] and you too, [$playername]! You helped get through the bottleneck of a problem that has had no hope for a long time. The Holy King's prophecy is true indeed.
Sys425567_szquest_descUse the [<S>241816|Restoration Seeds] to treat 3 [<S>121286|Stunned Elves].
Sys425567_szquest_uncomplete_detailUgh, our relationship with [SC_GUTAI_01|Holy Tree Gutai] is just like dust in the wind. If we're not careful, we'll be blown up into the air and won't be able to come down. We have to make progress, though, so we must rely on this wind.