result count: 6

SC_Z24Q425574_TAKETHISMAN(Parece que tiene problemas. Lo único que podéis hacer es llevarlo en vuestra espalda).(He looks like he's in trouble. All you can do is carry him back on your back.)
Sys425574_name¿Falta alguien?Missing people?
Sys425574_szquest_accept_detail¡Es horrible! Íbamos Dirk y yo a infiltrarnos en la [ZONE_KORM_DOME|Bóveda de Korum] para investigar, ¡y de pronto ha desaparecido! No es la primera vez que se pierde durante una investigación, pero suele volver con muchísima información. El caso es que esta vez no ha regresado y debe de andar en peligro. \n\n¿Podríais ayudarme a encontrar a [121321|Dirk Grether]? No quiero que se sepa que ha desaparecido porque quienes no entienden la importancia de nuestros planes aprovecharán la excusa de las "medidas especiales" para detener nuestra investigación. Además, resultaría raro que luego apareciera tan tranquilo sin más. Debo confiar en vos para buscarlo. Con suerte estará bien, pero...It's terrible! I just went with Dirk to sneak into the [ZONE_KORM_DOME|Korum Dome] and investigate, but, in the blink of an eye, he disappeared! This isn't the first time where he has just wandered off during our investigations, but usually he brings back a whole load of information after being gone for a while. This time he just didn't come back... He must be in trouble. \n\nKnight, can you please help me find [121321|Dirk Grether]? I don't want it to get out that he disappeared. If that happens, people who don't understand the importance of our plans will use "extraordinary measures" as an excuse to stop our research. It would also be very embarrassing if he turns out to be fine. I have to rely on you to help me go and see how Dirk is doing. Hopefully he is okay, but just in case...
Sys425574_szquest_complete_detailCualquiera temblaría de frío aquí, pero él está congelado. Me parece que ya sé lo que ha sucedido.His temperature... It's cold enough in here to make someone shiver, but he is cold as ice. Oh, I think I know what happened.
Sys425574_szquest_descAyudad a encontrar a [121321|Dirk Grether] y traedlo de vuelta.Help find the whereabouts of [121321|Dirk Grether] and bring him back.
Sys425574_szquest_uncomplete_detail¿Lo habéis encontrado? Va vestido de rojo con una capa negra. Llama la atención.Did you find him? He is wearing red clothes and has a black cape. He should stick out like a sore thumb.