result count: 5

Sys425579_namePoisonous Cemetery Grass
Sys425579_szquest_accept_detailUsing relics to learn about history is so behind the times! You have to be creative if you want to make progress! Think about it. If I wanted to know about your life, which way would be quicker, reading your journal or asking you face-to-face? This is the same idea. If you want to know the history of the [ZONE_SPIRI_MOUND|Spirit Mound], then you'll have to summon the people who lived during that time and ask them! I'm right, aren't I? \n\nI have people that support me. I have found information. I have asked for suggestions from experts and I've obtained a magic formation from a reliable mage. The only thing I'm missing is the [241701|Poisonous Sparrow Grass] that grows in the graveyard. It's clear that there is only one step left, but how am I supposed to go to the [ZONE_SPIRI_MOUND|Spirit Mound] to pick [<S>241701|Poisonous Sparrow Grass]? Anyone with eyes can tell that that place is dangerous. There is no way a weak researcher like myself can get close to it. What am I supposed to do?
Sys425579_szquest_complete_detailWhoa! [241701|Poisonous Sparrow Grass] is poisonous! Is your hand okay? The area that touched it will go numb if you don't wash it completely!
Sys425579_szquest_descHelp [121293|Mo'k Paybo] pick 10 [<S>241701|Poisonous Sparrow Grass], which grow in the [ZONE_SPIRI_MOUND|Spirit Mound].
Sys425579_szquest_uncomplete_detailResearchers will often disregard their own safety in the pursuit of knowledge. Let me tell you, it's a foolish practice! Even animals know when to flee from danger. This behavior is a sign that their knowledge is regressing because he doesn't know how to find the knowledge to protect his own self!