result count: 6

SC_Z24Q425582_01Decidle a [121293|Mo'k Paybo] la verdad sobre el asunto.Tell [121293|Mo'k Paybo] the truth about the matter.
Sys425582_nameRecuerdos del hogarRecalling Home
Sys425582_szquest_accept_detailOlvidadlo, ya he soltado la liebre, así que puedo contároslo. \n\nEn realidad no tenía previsto venir aquí. Chaje y Neelo tenían tanta ilusión que no quería aguarles la fiesta, así que los seguí a ciegas. Al principio todo era nuevo para mí y había mucho que aprender. Además, estaba investigando con mis amigos...\n\nSin embargo, estamos en guerra y me asusté mucho cuando vi morir cada vez a más gente. Vos sois un caballero y podéis defenderos, ¡seguro que no lo entendéis! Echo de menos mi casa y me temo que soy el único. Si Neelo se entera de que soy un cobarde, se reirá de mí. Por eso no he dicho nada: cuanto más tiempo pasa, más me cuesta hablar de mis sentimientos. \n\nLlevo mucho tiempo preocupado por esto, así que, cuando Neelo quiso invocar a los espíritus antiguos, decidí aprovechar para contarle cómo me sentía. Con suerte, sería una excusa para volver a casa. En ningún momento pretendí hacer nada malo...Forget it, forget it. I've already let the cat out of the bag so I may as well tell you. \n\nI actually never planned to come here. Chaje and Neelo were just so enthusiastic about it and I didn't want to rain on their parade, so I just followed them, blindly. It was all fresh in the beginning. It was a completely new environment to me and there was so much to learn. I was also doing research with my friends...\n\nHowever, this is a war after all. I got really scared when I realized that more and more people were dying! You are a knight who is able to take care of yourself. You probably don't understand! I really miss my home, but I think that I'm the only one who feels this way. If Neelo found out that I was such a coward he would make fun of me for sure. That is why I never said anything. The more time passed by, the harder it was for me to talk about my true feelings. \n\nI'd been feeling very troubled by this so, when I heard that Neelo wanted to summon some ancient spirits, I decided to take the opportunity to tell them how I felt. If I was lucky, I would be able to use this as a reason to go back home... I never meant anything bad...
Sys425582_szquest_complete_detailNo pensé que Neelo se lo tomaría así. La verdad es que no me gusta la situación. Quiere que tomemos todas las decisiones y no me gusta nada sentirme responsable de los demás. Hablo de situaciones normales. Conozco a Neelo desde pequeño y siempre se ha guardado para sí lo que le preocupaba. Conozco de sobra su indecisión. \n\nCaballero, gracias por contármelo. Os lo habrá dicho porque no os conoce, ¿verdad? A veces se desahoga con desconocidos. \n\nSi tenéis tiempo, ¿podríais hacerme un favor?I had no idea that Neelo would think this way. To be honest, I'm not very happy about it. He's talking like he wants to leave all the decisions for us to make. I hate being responsible for other people... I'm talking about in normal situations. I've known Neelo since we were children. Whenever he was troubled by something, he would keep it inside. I know his hesitant, indecisive character very well. \n\nKnight, thank you for telling me this. I think that he must have told you because he doesn't know you, am I right? Sometimes he unloads all his complaints on someone he doesn't know. \n\nIf you have time... do you think you could do me a favor?
Sys425582_szquest_descContadle a [121293|Mo'k Paybo] y a su gente el engaño de [121294|Neelo].Tell [121293|Mo'k Paybo] and his people about [121294|Neelo's] trick.
Sys425582_szquest_uncomplete_detail¿Qué sucede? ¿Neelo está bien? Pensaba que esta invocación sería segura, pero ahora parece que hubo peligro. ¡Maldición! Todo esto es culpa mía, ¡no recabé suficiente información!What's happening? Is Neelo okay? I thought that this summoning would be safe, but now it looks like there was a lot of danger. Despicable! It's my fault that this occurred. I didn't collect enough information!