result count: 7

SC_Z24Q425583_01Preguntad sobre el objeto solicitado por [121293|Mo'k Paybo].Ask about the item requested by [121293|Mo'k Paybo].
SC_Z24Q425583_02Oh, iba a llevárselo en dos o tres días. No pensé que enviaría a alguien a buscarlo. \n\nHe cogido mucha fruta. Hay muchos tipos de frutas deliciosas en su pueblo, así que no me fue difícil conseguir un par de cajas y traerlas. ¡Todos los que las prueban dicen que están deliciosas! \n\nEsa carta, sin embargo... Parece como si la hija de este hombre no quisiera escribirla. Parece que no tengo ninguna oportunidad. Bueno, no pasa nada. Dicen que todo el mundo se enamora una o dos veces en su vida. Le di mucha de la fruta que deseaba. Consideradlo como mi consuelo. Intentad convencerlo de que abra su mente.Oh, I was going to take it to him in the next day or two. I didn't think that he would send someone to get it. \n\nI took a lot of fruit. Many types of delicious fruits grow in their hometown so it was easy for me to get a couple of boxes and bring them back. Everyone who's eaten them says they're delicious! \n\nThat letter, however... it seems that the man's daughter doesn't want to write it. It looks like I don't have a chance. Oh well. They say that everyone will fail in love once or twice in life. I gave him a lot of the fruit he wanted. Take it as my consolation. Try to convince him to open his mind.
Sys425583_nameUn sabor familiarRemembered Taste
Sys425583_szquest_accept_detailNeelo está muy triste y no sé cómo consolarlo. Nunca se me ha dado bien reconfortar a nadie, de hecho tengo miedo de haber dicho algo que lo haya dejado peor. Por eso le he pedido al mercader general, [121326|Glorus Shapp], que traiga algunas [<S>241702|Peras dulces] de las que cultivan en su tierra. También he contactado con la chica de la que Neelo estaba enamorado en secreto y le he pedido que le escriba una carta para que la traiga [121326|Glorus Shapp]. Creo que así se animará. Sin embargo, [121326|Glorus Shapp] no ha traído nada todavía. ¿Os importaría ir a preguntar?Neelo is in such low spirits, but I don't know how to console him. I've never been good at comforting other people. In fact, I'm afraid I might say something that will bring him down more. That is why I asked the general merchant, [121326|Glorus Shapp], to bring some [<S>241702|Sweet Pears] that grow in his hometown. I also got in touch with a girl that Neelo was secretly in love with and asked her to write a letter for [121326|Glorus Shapp] to bring. I think this will give him some encouragement... However, [121326|Glorus Shapp] still hasn't brought me the stuff. Can you go and help me ask?
Sys425583_szquest_complete_detail¿Que la chica se ha negado a escribir la carta? Pensé que sentía algo por Neelo, pero ya veo que no. Será mejor no decirle nada a él. Estoy esperando el momento oportuno para darle estas [<S>241702|Peras dulces] y sacarle el tema. Si quiere volver, no pasa nada, aunque sería toda una decepción. Pero tampoco puedo obligarle a seguir conmigo, la verdad.\n\n¿Por qué no dirá qué narices piensa? Si sigue así, terminaré dándole un tortazo.The girl refused to write a letter? I thought she was sweet on Neelo. I guess I was wrong... It's probably best not to let him know. I'm waiting for an opportunity to give him these [<S>241702|Sweet Pears], you know, as a conversation starter or something. I mean, if he wants to go back it's no big deal. Though that would be a little bit disappointing... But I can't force him to go along with me. I just can't.\n\nAhh, why won't he just say what's on his mind this time? If he keeps this up, I don't know how much longer I can go without smacking him.
Sys425583_szquest_descDevolvedle las [<S>241702|Peras dulces] al mercader general [121326|Glorus Shapp].Take the [241702|Sweet Pear] back with General Merchant [121326|Glorus Shapp].
Sys425583_szquest_uncomplete_detailSé que Neelo echa de menos su casa desde hace tiempo, pero ¿quién no siente morriña de vez en cuando? Cuanto más nos sumergimos en la amargura de la guerra, más lloramos por el calor de nuestro hogar. ¡Incluso a mí me costó bastante venir a [SC_BALANZASAR|Balanzasar]!I've known that Neelo has been homesick for a while now. But really, who doesn't get homesick sometimes? The deeper we sink into the bitterness of war, the more we yearn for the warm feelings of home. Even in my case, it took a huge force of will to come to [SC_BALANZASAR|Balanzasar]!