result count: 5

Sys425594_nameSpecial Medicine
Sys425594_szquest_accept_detailI have found a kind of severe poison in the soldiers' wounds. This type of poison can't be cured by ordinary medicine.\n\nBased on my personal experience, the infected soldiers need immediate treatment, or their lives may be in danger!\n\nIt may not succeed, but I have to try to create a healing potion. I can't continue to wait in vain for supplies that may not even help.\n\nYou can get [241280|Tepid Blood] from a [106611|Enhanced Remodeled Soldier]. This is an important part of the potion, so please get it to me as quickly as possible! just leave it to me! This is the final ingredient.\n\nI can't stand to see the soldiers in so much pain...
Sys425594_szquest_descObtain [241280|Tepid Blood] from a remodeled soldier to assist [120736|Borena Mezz] in making the potion.
Sys425594_szquest_uncomplete_detailTime is tight. Did you collect enough materials?