result count: 11

SC_425639_ANS_1Ehm...I can't remember seeing anyone like that. If I had seen a man with red hair, I would have been impressed.
SC_425639_ANS_2No sir! I was in the village the whole time taking care of the injured soldiers. I didn't see the king coming here.
SC_425639_ANS_3The Human King? No! Hey, I have a lot of other things to do, so if there's nothing else, I'll continue with my work now.
SC_425639_ASK_1Did you see a red-haired man in ornate armor?
SC_425639_ASK_2Didn't you see that the King has arrived?
SC_425639_SHOW_1No time to waste, quickly catch up!
Sys425639_nameThe Missing Commander
Sys425639_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], I just asked Mr. Kargath, and he told me that he hasn't seen the king since his last time in [ZONE_WEST_MERDIN_TUNDRA|Kaluga Grove]. I'm concerned, please go ask around if someone has seen the king, ok? I will do it as well.\n\nIf Maderoth dares to do something mean to the king, he would be as despicable as his enemy [121229|Sismond].
Sys425639_szquest_complete_detailIt's strange that no one knows where the king has gone to.\n\nThinking of his previous behavior... \n\nThough he often slipped away, but now he has no reason to leave without saying anything. Unless he wants to do something dangerous, such as commanding [SC_INCEPTION|Production Plant] at the front line...\n\nLet's go and have a check, come with me.
Sys425639_szquest_descAsk the villagers and the Alliance members where the king is.
Sys425639_szquest_uncomplete_detailHow is it? Any news?