result count: 5

Sys425647_nameContinuous Strikes
Sys425647_szquest_accept_detailIf you want to clear a path for [121121|Hyferd], then the attack on <CY>[SC_ELEMENTALPUNISHER|Elemental Punisher]</CY> cannot be stopped! \n\nIt's just... We're having more and more problems with manpower lately. Perhaps you can keep on helping out?
Sys425647_szquest_complete_detailThanks be to the Holy King and your assistance...\n\nBut we still need to recruit more manpower! \n\n<CY>[SC_PROTOTYPEPUNISHER|No. 72 EX and No.74 EX Punishers]</CY> is something we overlook only at our own peril.
Sys425647_szquest_descEliminate <CY>[SC_ELEMENTALPUNISHER|Elemental Punisher]</CY> and launch sustained strikes on the defensive deployments in <CY>[ZONE_INCEPTION_PAFORSA|Pahvalosa]</CY>.
Sys425647_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe current deadlock can really fill you with a feeling of... unease. \n\nWhat is the enemy planning?