result count: 5

Sys425654_nameAmazing Yields
Sys425654_szquest_accept_detailIf a [106849|Cube Production Machine] is destroyed, it will be sensed immediately. \n\nDon't forget the Punishers' gift for repairing things. Find an opportunity and go and look. \n\nEven if it's only one production machine we're talking about, it can immediately produce a whole lot of [<S>121130|Storage Cube].
Sys425654_szquest_complete_detailThanks to your help, the pressure has been alleviated on various fields of battle.\n\nThough I take it you noticed the [107331|Transport Channel]. This is a whole different set of tricky business. \n\nWe must thoroughly sever the enemy's supply lines without overlooking any of our objectives.
Sys425654_szquest_descDestroy the [<S>106849|Cube Production Machines] and impede the ability of <CY>[ZONE_INCEPTION_PAFORSA|Pahvalosa] to produce [121130|Storage Cube].
Sys425654_szquest_uncomplete_detailI must once again remind us that... If we let our vigilance slip for a minute, we risk the [<S>121130|Storage Cube] being packed up and sent off to another battlefield.