result count: 5

Sys425660_nameRuna de prisiónPrison Rune
Sys425660_szquest_accept_detail¡Investigar el <CY>[SC_ELEMENTALPUNISHER|Castigador elemental]</CY> es un enorme quebradero de cabeza! \n\nSin embargo, parece que he conseguir poner un poco luz. \n\nUn grupo de guerreros me trajo esta [241356|Runa de prisión]. ¿Podríais conseguirme más? \n\nMe temo que sea la clave para controlar a las criaturas elementales.Researching the <CY>[SC_ELEMENTALPUNISHER|Elemental Punisher]</CY> is enough to give anyone a massive headache! \n\nHowever, it looks like I've recently made a breakthrough. \n\nThis [241356|Prison Rune] is something that a warrior party brought back for me. Could you maybe get me some more of them? \n\nI suspect that... It's very likely that this is the key to controlling elemental creatures.
Sys425660_szquest_complete_detailMuy bien, muy bien... ¡Qué gran botín! \n\nAñadiré un par de cosas y estaremos listos. \n\n¿Os importaría quedaros para ayudarme a probar esto?Very good... Very good... A pretty good haul! \n\nLet me just add a thing or two and we should be good to go. \n\nPerhaps you can stick around and help me try this thing out?
Sys425660_szquest_descRecoge la [241356|Runa de prisión] del <CY>[SC_ELEMENTALPUNISHER|Castigador elemental]</CY> para que la investigación de [121124|Tyda Leachy] pueda continuar.Collect the [241356|Prison Rune] from <CY>[SC_ELEMENTALPUNISHER|Elemental Punisher]</CY> to further along the research [121124|Tyda Leachy] is performing.
Sys425660_szquest_uncomplete_detailDicen que seguro que es una pieza del <CY>[SC_ELEMENTALPUNISHER|Castigador elemental]</CY>. \n\n¿De verdad no habéis encontrado nada todavía?Indeed. They said they're sure it's a part from <CY>[SC_ELEMENTALPUNISHER|Elemental Punisher]</CY>. \n\nYou really haven't found it yet?