result count: 4

Sys425685_nameShantian's Last Diary
Sys425685_szquest_accept_detailMyloden Calendar: Year 0, summer, the tenth day of the third month.\n\nMother, did you know? Last night, my father the king and my teacher Sair had an argument, seemingly over me. It seems father wants to send me to do something very dangerous. I know my teacher would never go against father's command, but it makes me sad that he must do something he does not want to do, because both of them are beloved people to me, and I don't want them to be unhappy.\n\nMother, is it important to live a long life? Or is it more important to protect the people or things you love, just like you gave your life to give birth to me?\n\nI've decided that I will tell father tomorrow, no matter if what the prophet said is true, I only have 2 years left of my life, and I want to live them to the fullest.
Sys425685_szquest_complete_detailThe diary ends here...\n\n(The diary seems to whisper softly to you, 'thank you'...)
Sys425685_szquest_descRead Shantian's Diary.