result count: 5

Sys425831_nameMetal of Life
Sys425831_szquest_accept_detailBy studying magic and runes, one can manipulate living beings and even inanimate objects. But it is no simple matter to impart intelligence on things, let alone create beings that did not exist before. Boundless creation is reserved for only the most powerful of mages, as is another type of occult magic.\n\nI can smell the stench of flesh and blood. Human bodies must have been used for experiments here. The best proof is a mechanism found in the depths of the castle.\n\nThis mechanism is called the Tatha. It functions differently from the regular, obedient guardians, being far cleverer and more cunning. If [SC_MSRN_01|Maderoth] understands how to utilize its power, I am afraid many more will die. We have to get rid of the Tatha before [SC_MSRN_01|Maderoth] can use it.
Sys425831_szquest_complete_detailIs this the metal from [107608|Tatha]? A terrifying material, made of blood and iron. How many have lost their lives because of it?
Sys425831_szquest_descDestroy the living mechanism [107608|Tatha] and bring its metal to the mage [121767|Assa] in front of the castle.
Sys425831_szquest_uncomplete_detailCalling it occult magic makes it sound very noble, but in fact it just consists of cruel experiments on bodies, a terrible means of achieving progress.