result count: 9

SC_425848_0May I ask if you have any [242165|Earth Spirit Grass]? Could you give me some?
SC_425848_1[121843|Babin] has [242165|Earth Spirit Grass]! However, [242165|Earth Spirit Grass] is very precious so [121843|Babin] won't give it to you unless you help [121843|Babin]!
SC_425848_2How do you know [242165|Earth Spirit Grass]?! Only [121844|Mochizz] knows how to raise it!
SC_425848_3[242165|Earth Spirit Grass]? [121845|Whisken] has some, but...\n\n([121845|Whisken] seems to be hiding something hastily)
Sys425848_nameEarth Spirit Herbs
Sys425848_szquest_accept_detail[<S>242165|Earth Spirit Grass], that's it, [<S>242165|Earth Spirit Grass]! Oh...! \n\nYou'd better ask someone else for these [<S>242165|Earth Spirit Grass]! [<S>242165|Earth Spirit Grass] are hard to find, they only grow on the stones next to the cats! Oh...! \n\nYou'd better hurry and ask someone else! If we wait any longer, he will soon cross the rainbow and join his ancestors!
Sys425848_szquest_complete_detailYes, that's it! Hurry, bring it to [121818|Bobuka]! \n\n([121818|Bobuka] puts some minced herbs on the body of [121811|Gene Lee], and uses the remainder to brew some medicine for [121811|Gene Lee] to drink.)
Sys425848_szquest_descAsk the other villagers for some [<S>242165|Earth Spirit Grass].
Sys425848_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou'd better hurry and ask someone else! If we wait any longer, he will soon cross the rainbow and join his ancestors!