result count: 11

SC_Z24Q425860_01El [121817|Draco herido] se ha comido la [242146|Carne de cangrejo fresca].The [121817|Wounded Drake] ate the [242146|Fresh Crab Meat].
SC_Z24Q425860_02Quiero darle otra porción de [242146|Carne de cangrejo fresca].I want to give it another portion of [242146|Fresh Crab Meat].
SC_Z24Q425860_03Dadme la [242146|Carne de cangrejo fresca].Feed with the [242146|Fresh Crab Meat].
SC_Z24Q425860_04[121885|Draco herido] se ha ido sin titubear.[121885|Wounded Drake] left without any hesitation...
SC_Z24Q425860_05Parece que se ha recuperado por completo. ¡Ya puedo irme!It seems to be fully recovered. I can leave now!
SC_Z24Q425860_06Alguien lo está alimentando con la [242146|Carne de cangrejo fresca].Someone is feeding it with the [242146|Fresh Crab Meat].
Sys425860_nameHora de alimentarFeeding Time
Sys425860_szquest_accept_detail¿Por qué? ¿No quiere comer? ¿Tenemos que alimentarlo? ¿Aún está débil? Me temo que tendremos que darle de comer la [242146|Carne de cangrejo fresca]. No temáis, no os morderá.... creo.Why? It doesn't want to eat? Do we have to feed it? Maybe it's still too weak? Well, I'm afraid we have to feed it the [242146|Fresh Crab Meat]. Don't be afraid, it won't bite you...I think!
Sys425860_szquest_complete_detail¡Lo hemos conseguido! Adiós, draco, ya no necesitas nuestra ayuda.We were successful! Goodbye, drake, you won't need our help anymore!
Sys425860_szquest_desc[107570|Draco herido alimentado].[107570|Fed Wounded Drake].
Sys425860_szquest_uncomplete_detailLa Danza Apaciguadora lo calmará y podréis dejar caer el pescado en su boca. ¡No tengáis miedo!The Dance of Soothing will be calming it. You can just dop the fish into its mouth. Don't be afraid!