result count: 5

Sys425870_nameA Beast Out of Control
Sys425870_szquest_accept_detailThe animals under the effect of the earth veins are part of Zurhidon's plans. Those creatures, enraged and controlled by Zurhidon, which perceive us as their enemies can be of great danger to us. \n\nDestroy those [<S>107483|Agitated Creatures] that joined the ranks of our enemies and clear us the way to our victory.
Sys425870_szquest_complete_detailWe achieved a great victory during the phase of our battle. Our enemies won't be giving up their fortress, but we now have some time to recover.
Sys425870_szquest_descApart from the drakes there are other creatures that our enemies try to strengthen in order to harm us. We need to do something against <CY>Zurhidon's</CY> ever-growing power!
Sys425870_szquest_uncomplete_detailMount it, don't be afraid. I will be right behind you to protect you.