result count: 5

Sys425871_nameClearing the Skies
Sys425871_szquest_accept_detailDid you see how the enemy starts raining fire on our troops as soon as we try to advance? We need to find a way to deal with that threat! \n\nWe must not delay our progress. Prolonging the battle won't serve us well. I wonder if the enemy has any weakness for us to exploit... \n\nYou have to enter the position of the enemy and take care of their [<S>107633|Zurhidon Bombers]. That's the only way for my troops to overcome the difficult terrain and enter the enemy's camp. \n\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_04|(Recommended group size: 2)]
Sys425871_szquest_complete_detailOur men have entered the enemy's fortress. Let's pray that they will be able to secure their position and give us a report about the situation inside.
Sys425871_szquest_descKill the [<S>107633|Zurhidon Bombers] in front of the cannon tower which is necessary to secure the frontline's position.
Sys425871_szquest_uncomplete_detailMount it, don't be afraid. I will be right behind you to protect you.