result count: 6

SC_Q425872_BCYou don't have enough [242175|Gunpowder Mixture].
Sys425872_nameWrecking Job
Sys425872_szquest_accept_detailZurhidon cunningly built the cannon tower deep into the mountain. This won't be easy for us. \n\nTake this gunpowder and try to get to the [<S>107632|Destroyed Heavy Catapults] over there and destroy them. Currently they are quite a menace to us. \n\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_04|(Recommended group size: 2)]
Sys425872_szquest_complete_detailYou've done so much for us. I don't know how to thank you! \n\nThe enemy lines aren't broken yet, but with our inside help that is coming soon, we'll be able to deliver a devastating blow to their position.
Sys425872_szquest_descTake the [242175|Gunpowder Mixture], find the [121887|Heavy Catapult], and destroy it.
Sys425872_szquest_uncomplete_detailMount it, don't be afraid. I will be right behind you to protect you.