result count: 8

SC_Z24Q425877_01Your mother, she...
SC_Z24Q425877_02What did the uncle say?
SC_Z25Q425877_1Mom! I will get you out of there!
Sys425877_nameThe Hidden Truth
Sys425877_szquest_accept_detailHm, it doesn't feel right to drink here. Not when I'm supposed to find a way to rescue Gaddy's mom. But she's been taking prisoner by the Zurhidon, poor kid...and we aren't telling him anything. But surely the kid must have realized something is wrong. But maybe we can hide it until we have rescued her. If we ever get ordered to do so, that is... \n\nThat's some excellent stuff you got there. Can I have another one?
Sys425877_szquest_complete_detailMommy, bu-huuuu, Mommy!
Sys425877_szquest_desc[547529|Tell Gaddy the truth].
Sys425877_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat has happened? Are you going to tell me?