result count: 11

SC_Q425981_A1Anything...anything I can help you with? Why are you dressed like this...\n("Is he a pervert?" [121881|Shárgon] murmurs.)
SC_Q425981_A2Miss, please give me some money...
SC_Q425981_A3Money? I don't have much, but I can give you some food. It doesn't look very good, but I'm quite sure it tastes ok, enjoy it!
SC_Q425981_B1Ahh! Your dress is pretty scary! Why are you half naked and wearing a mask?\n\n([121880|Tumagi] makes an expression to let you know that she doesn't want to get any close to you.)
SC_Q425981_B2Miss, can I have a look at your...
SC_Q425981_B3You scoundrel! I've already seen through your clumsy disguise. I don't know what you want, just leave me alone!
Sys425981_nameMeeting the Candidates
Sys425981_szquest_accept_detailWe cannot allow any further delay. You have to meet the the candidates. One of them is the daughter of the current Great Flow Master, [121881|Shárgon]. The other one, [121880|Tumagi], is the granddaughter of the preceding Master. Both of them are in the village, preparing for the war. \n\nAfter you have met the candidates, talk to [121861|Slander], the Great Flow Master, to understand what needs to be done during the test.
Sys425981_szquest_complete_detailHaha, their personalities differ greatly, but they grew up together, and they used to be friends too...but soon they'll become adversaries. \n\n[121880|Tumagi] is very earnest, nothing escapes her attention. She is very gifted, and when it comes to her abilities, she might be the better one. But she doesn't know how to make friends...she's just like her grandfather in that respect. My daughter [121881|Shárgon] knows how to understand the big picture by starting to observe the smallest details. She's very popular and has many friends, but I think she's a bit too hesitant sometimes, which may be her greatest shortcoming. \n\nIf only they could learn from each other...together they would be perfect!
Sys425981_szquest_descUse the [242180|Kogo Transformation Potion], and after your transformation talk to [121881|Shárgon] and [121880|Tumagi] separately.
Sys425981_szquest_uncomplete_detailAny progress yet? Did you meet them already?