result count: 5

Sys425987_nameA Helping Hand
Sys425987_szquest_accept_detailThe missionaries from the <CY>[SC_Z32RUNEMISSION_00|Runic Mission]</CY> do offer their help working on the farm, but it's just no comparison to the number of hands we used to have here.\n\nTake the <CY>boshis</CY>, for example. Cleaning them is a really time-consuming job. You need to pay attention to make sure you do it right.\n\nYou can't afford to overlook even a single flea, to make sure the <CY>boshis</CY> stay healthy and don't pick up any diseases!
Sys425987_szquest_complete_detailWith the aid of the <CY>[SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment]</CY> and the <CY>[SC_Z32RUNEMISSION_00|Runic Mission]</CY>, I think we might just survive these testing times!\n\nThank you for your help! [SC_Z32GBU_00|May the runic gods bless you]!
Sys425987_szquest_descHelp [123716|Shars Lief] to wash the [<S>123720|Tame Boshis].
Sys425987_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe're gonna need a lot more people...