result count: 8

SC_425993_0[121888|Kulkes] said you can help him?
SC_425993_1Oh, we are simply ignored, until problems appear. Then we are suddenly sought after, and supposed to do any odd jobs as if taken for granted. I can't stand it anymore! If there's not enough time to complete a task, the blame is on us. Why don't we switch jobs so you can see how it's like?\n\nBecause there wasn't enough time at our hands, we couldn't finish our task. But you wanted us to do it anyway! Here is a device for you. You have to charge it with enough energy to convert it into the item you need.
SC_425993_2[$VAR1] emits a burst of bright light.
Sys425993_nameBreaking Through
Sys425993_szquest_accept_detailDammit! I've just heard the most recent report! Our surprise attack is being slowed down by the enemy's resistance! \n\nI'd never have thought that Maderoth's troops would be that hard to deal with! They've set up a defensive position that's proving very hard to break through. Maybe we have to ask Ailic's Community for their help. \n\nMy hopes are on [121902|Jask Shadowhammer], a researcher from the supply camp, who may be able to help us.
Sys425993_szquest_complete_detailNow we don't have to be afraid of their defensive measures!
Sys425993_szquest_descGet some [<S>242196|Charge Runes] from [121902|Jask Shadowhammer].
Sys425993_szquest_uncomplete_detailAny news yet? That's strange...usually Ailic's researchers are capable of designing all kinds of tools in no time. What's going wrong this time?