result count: 5

Sys425997_nameAiming High
Sys425997_szquest_accept_detailWe may seem like we're just one little step from defeating the commander of the fortress. But be warned, this is not an ordinary fellow. It would be best to take your most trusted companions with you if want to confront him. \n\nI hope the Quaking King will be with you!
Sys425997_szquest_complete_detailCurses...I'd never imagined [107644|Klamorte] would be so sly. He really ordered his men to prepare and meet us in battle. \n\nI'll probably get the chance to face him again in the future.
Sys425997_szquest_descEnter the camp and defeat the enemy commander. \n\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_03|(Recommended group size: 3)]
Sys425997_szquest_uncomplete_detailI hope the Prince of Sadness will be with you.