result count: 7

SC_Z24Q425999_02A fresh wind blows on you when you put down the rune.
SC_Z24Q425999_03It's so hot... I need more [<S>242221|Frosty Runes].
Sys425999_nameThe Best Temperature
Sys425999_szquest_accept_detailIt's way too hot here! It seems the effect of the [<S>242221|Frosty Runes] is weakening. We'd better change them. Please put 10 [<S>242221|Frosty Runes] into the [121922|Space for Frosty Rune], would you? If we don't do something about the heat, we won't be able to defend, nor attack, let alone win this war! We might as well surrender!
Sys425999_szquest_complete_detailAh, it's almost bearable now...much better than this suffocating heat!
Sys425999_szquest_descRegulate the temperature by putting 10 [<S>242221|Frosty Runes] into the [121922|Space for Frosty Rune].
Sys425999_szquest_uncomplete_detailNo, no, no. If the [<S>242221|Frosty Runes] aren't used properly they will have no effect. Just follow the instructions...