result count: 5

Sys426021_nameLevelling the Ground
Sys426021_szquest_accept_detailAs the saying in our village goes...when building a house, leveling the ground must be done first. And that means...well, our case it's the [<S>107487|Searing Earth Elementals] who need to be levelled. That way they won't be interfering with our war with the Zurhidon. Even if we're supposed to meet [107485|Farentel] very soon, there's no way not to confront the [<S>107485|Farentels] now. Please hurry and take care of them as soon as possible!
Sys426021_szquest_complete_detailAs soon as the ground has been levelled our knights will start their hammering.
Sys426021_szquest_descEliminate 10 [<S>107487|Searing Earth Elementals].
Sys426021_szquest_uncomplete_detailA warrior is judged by his deeds, not his words...when hesitating like this in the midst of battle, even for a blink of an eye, death is the most likely outcome.