result count: 12

SC_Z25Q426082_1You look so pale, what nightmare did you have?
SC_Z25Q426082_2This is an unusual dream. The people I care about appeared in the dream one after another. They blamed me that I just cared about my own safety and didn't save anyone else. I tried to explain, but as soon as I touched them, they turned into ashes... died once again in front of me.\n\n(Morrok's mouth twitches slightly and gives a weak smile)\n\nYou remember [119177|Aynara]? We watched him dying before us...he was in my dream as well.
SC_Z25Q426082_3You know it was not your fault.
SC_Z25Q426082_4(Morrok shakes his head)\n\nI know that I was not able to stop what happened at that time. [119174|Kadmos] is much stronger than I am. I would have died if [119177|Aynara] didn't fight until his last minute. I have thought all of these through, but I still have regrets... There are more people in the dream besides [119177|Aynara]. They are imprinted in my heart, and this led to a nightmare. \n\nAnyway, I am mostly concerned about the person that appeared last in my dream.
SC_Z25Q426082_6...It's me.
SC_Z25Q426082_7(Morrok doesn't want to talk any more about it.)
Sys426082_nameHaunted by Nightmares
Sys426082_szquest_accept_detailDespite my best efforts, I haven't been able to catch a glimpse of the shadow [121428|Aron Dray] has mentioned, but I feel like it might show up any time, I just have to continue looking for it. Since entering the forest I can sense the presence of the elemental force. This feeling is very similar to what I've been experiencing in nightmares I've been having, so maybe this is a sign for me to stay and keep looking for it...
Sys426082_szquest_complete_detailThese nightmares have become so frequent, I've already lost track of how many I've been having until now. When I wake up, I can see signs of destruction in the vicinity and I can almost smell the breath of a dragon lingering about. So, that's why the <CY>Black Dragon Shadow</CY> [121428|Aron Dray] has been talking about is of such importance to me, do you understand?
Sys426082_szquest_descListen to what [121993|Morrok Wallinder] has been dreaming.
Sys426082_szquest_uncomplete_detailI can't get rid of the feeling something terrible is about to happen...