result count: 5

Sys426096_nameVoluntary Disclosure
Sys426096_szquest_accept_detailWell, if you want I can do a divination for you. I'd ask for a payment, but today I'll be generous and it will be sufficient if you just gather some [242353|Cold Spider Silk] for me. What do you think? \n\nI'm mainly doing this to convince you about who I am, and that I'm not an enemy. Would you please stop looking at me like I was lying to you? I'm just a woman, and there are two of you. A fight wouldn't go well for me. So, if I was the enemy, wouldn't it be smart to flee in my situation? \n\nYou can take your time and think about my proposition. The divination will be for free, if you want it.
Sys426096_szquest_complete_detailVery cold! And soft! That'll be just perfect! \n\nLet's start then, and I will weave my web...and then we will see what your fate will be like...
Sys426096_szquest_descGather 10 units of [<S>242353|Cold Spider Silk] from [<S>107499|Rockden Ice Spiders] for the [122031|Mysterious Woman].
Sys426096_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhy is Morrok always telling you what to do? It was him who told you to talk to me...while he was hiding somewhere. But that's none of my business, right...I wasn't trying to imply anything...